Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Beginnings of a Movement

The first thing I noticed was the contrast between the shiny purse and the burqas of the women. I think this draws attention to how Saudi Arabia still has a foot each in modern conveniences and also religious tradition- something that, by the United States' and Europe's example, does not last very long.
The next thing that I noticed was how the woman in the middle is raising the black fabric of her burqa away from her face. This symbolizes how the women of Saudi Arabia are slowly removing the restrictions on their rights. However, the fact that the women's eyes are averted suggests that women are still slightly timid in receiving their rights-they lack the determination that would have been showed had the picture shown them staring right at the camera.
Finally, I noticed the sharp contrast between the black material of the women's burqas to the men's white outfits in the background. This demonstrates the contrast between men's and women's roles and rights in Saudi Arabia-men hold the power while women are still struggling for basic rights, such as the vote. Additionally, the white trim on one of the women's burqas may demonstrate the beginning of women's movements towards those basic rights.

1 comment:

  1. Emily:
    Fine observations here and fine image. Next step--integrate this analysis into the actual purpose(s) of the photo. Does it, for example, suggest that the country can do more in terms of assimilation?

    Mr. Heller
