Sunday, December 18, 2011

Wanted: Shoplifter of Filet Mignon,0,1007088.column

Through his own experience of a childhood at a family supermarket and a list of most-shoplifted-items, John Kass criticizes not only the act of shoplifting but also the state to which America has descended, where shoplifting is not for survival but for a filet mignon or a Let's Rock Elmo. He makes fun of such shoplifters, calling the filet mignon tasteless, criticizing their taste in steaks. Kass further mocks these people who seemingly shoplift for fun by ending with a recipe for the "Kass' Christmas Shoplifter's Pan Sauce" and then the simple statement, "pay for your own whiskey. It tastes better that way." This backs up that these shoplifters can afford to buy the things that they steal, and also reprimands them - a society without shoplifters whould be a better one.

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