Monday, February 20, 2012

Global Warming: Social, Political Impact

Dewey and Lyonsjustus argue that global warming is not only an imminent threat but one that can cause social unrest, and thus the issue should be seriously discussed in the political realm, especially since the US is in a powerful position to make major changes to anticipate the coming threat. They also argue that not much can be done to stop/slow the coming of Global Warming but that we should simply prepare for it's effects and those social implications.

While Dewey and Lyonsjustus are correct in claiming that the existing CO2 in the atmosphere cannot be 'sucked out,' I do believe that preventive measures can be taken. A change in lifestyle of the entire first world community would make a dent in future outputs of CO2. We should not simply resign ourselves to oncoming chaos and destruction, though we should prepare for all probable possibilities.

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