Sunday, December 18, 2011

Politics, Sports, and Legends, Oh My!,0,5594614.column

John Kass addresses several points in this column, answering fan mail. By combining the serious with the lighthearted, he touches on important subjects while keeping his tone casual. To a question of how Daley and Madigan are avoiding all of the political mess going on, Kass answers, that's easy. magic. He means that it is not easy - it is a mess of complicated factors, but he also insinuates that they are not completely out of the political mud. Thus without actually saying anything, he gives the reader much to think about. Kass also addresses Mark Buehrle's leaving the White Sox, giving faith to readers that there is still a positive light - an old message, the glass is half full, which, though separated from all of the other responses, applies to the political intrigues. Kass ends on a decidedly lighthearted image, him, or the legend of Kasso, riding  mule down Michagan Avenue, with Daley, Madigan, Jackson, Emanuel, and Thompson following. Perhaps sending a message to readers, there has to be room for humor and fun, no matter what's going on.

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